hippie pics
Mina dygn smälter numera in i varandra. Hur som helst så har jag haft det himla trevligt hela veckan! Jag har börjat på mitt nanny-jobb, vilket jag trivs mycket bra med :). Annars är jag inneboende @ söder, och min säng blir dammig.
Nu hoppas jag på bättre väder, för då ska jag & barnen bada i poolen :)! På lördag blir dte förövrigt party för Sophie som fyller myndig, ooohyes!
Här är två till hippie-bilder jag nyligen fått :).
Igår hade jag förresten picnic på soltrappan, med bubbelvin & ost mm -mys. Ikväll ska jag vara nanny riktgit länge, hjälp! Aja, So long<3
Hur fixade du ditt jobb? :)
jättefina bilder :)
Svar till Caroline:
Jag fick det genom Helle som jobbar i familjens butik, så hon lade in ett gott ord åt mig ;D
I just looked at all your photos and i have to say, what? you have absolutely no personality at all, your smile is fake your eyes are dead and you have no energy in the pictures, averyone thinks that they are a model, bur few actually are, and that my dear is unfortunately you.
Okay, and thanks for your opinion (even though nobody asked for yours). Besides I have never called me or presented myself as a model. I'm new in the branch and don't have much experience at all. It's not my fault that you don't like it, but the people how I've worked with likes it and actually that's the most important thing for me.
But once again, thank you little Charlie for taking you time to write a hole novel about how bad I'm. I always love when people tries to break me down, because they are just loosing their time. I don't care if anonymous people don't like what I do, thats your problem and not mine :).
Good luck with your criticizing!